Copyright Statement

    All images, design elements and other content represented on this web site are copyrighted and are the sole property of Garry McCarthy. All use and/or publication rights are reserved worldwide. All represented images and content are expressly not in the Public Domain. No images or content represented on this web site may be copied, stored, manipulated, published, sold or reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of an authorized representative of Garry McCarthy.  As copyrighted material, all represented images are protected by copyright, intellectual property and all other applicable laws of the United States and other countries worldwide.

Student Use:

    Subject to all of the restrictions listed below, images represented on this web site may be used by students for academic purposes only. Academic use is strictly limited to such uses as for illustration within reports, class projects, etc. All student/academic use is subject to all of the following restrictions:

1.    No image may be sold, in whole or in part, either as a single image or as a part of any work, for any reason without the express written permission of Garry McCarthy. This includes any use of images in whole or in part, for profit and/or not for profit sales.

 2.    All Copyright information, owners name and any other information included on the original image must be retained and displayed in the final work. No copyright and/or other information included in the original image may be changed, manipulated or removed. If the original image does not contain visible copyright information, then proper credit (e.g., "Copyright Garry McCarthy") must be included in an appropriate location in the final presentation.

3.    No images may be used in any mass produced form. No more than two (2) copies of the original may be made. No images may be used, displayed and/or stored on web sites orƯ in any publicly accessible form or location such as but not limited to ftp sites or BBS systems.